Julie "Jules" Pasley, M.S.
Instructional Designer and Technologist
Professional Portfolio:
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A Bit About Me
Though I realize now I have been an educator all my life, the event that jumpstarted my educational career was entering and then winning a Student Tutorial Video Competition that Rice University hosted through one of their courses on the Coursera platform. I discovered the course after my son suggested I check out some of their programming courses. He knew I had been teaching myself Python programming and that I was one of those strange people that loved school, so he thought I might appreciate what they had to offer.
The ripple of that 5-minute conversation about a new educational tool has entirely changed the trajectory of my life, given me a purpose that stirs my very soul, and makes me jump out of bed every morning excited to continue the important work of improving education. Some of the milestones of my career are highlighted below.
My Journey
October 2023
August 2023
September 2022
November 2020
December 2018
October 2018
August 2016
December 2014
August 2013
May 2013
Accepted a position as an Instructional Design Specialist at Abilene Christian University.
Began an Ed.S. in Educational Technology and Learning Engineering program at Indiana Wesleyan University.
Accepted a position as an Online Instructional Technologist at Sullivan University System.
Accepted a position as an Instructional Systems Designer at Percepta.
Accepted a position as Technical Communication Specialist at Cycom Data Systems.
Accepted a position as an Instructor and Curriculum Designer at Awesome Inc.
Earned an M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology from Walden University.
Earned a B.S. in Marketing Management from Western Governors University.
Began as a Volunteer Course Mentor for Rice University's "Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python" course on Coursera.
Won Rice University's Student Tutorial Competition.